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Cool game, but why no

Voiced velar fricative

'cause samurai have a hard time pronouncing it

Amazing little entry, it was a joy to see it through the development process!

TIL you have stances/combos you can do with lookin up and down, really helped with the fight! One day I’ll beat the pesky bot!

Combat feels nice, the Ai is an absolute menace and I like it, no pause for me during the fight!

Would’ve loved a little soundtrack in the background, but the sfx inside are well made!

Nice job!

(1 edit)

Thank you!

I spent quite some time trying to make some simple music, something with just drums and a "shamisen-sounding" melody, but I couldn't get it to sound right, so i scrapped it - -)

I'll definitely at least try again when I make an update to this game!

Hard, but very nice! Pico8 file possible? Thanks



the code is quite a hotchpotch at the moment; i want to clean it up and fix/change a few things before sharing the cart.

i´ll be sure to put a link here when i´ve put it up on the bbs, though!


just in case: i've now added a link to the bbs post ^ ^)

Many thanks!


Nice. i suck at it but nice